Home : Suribachi and Surikogi

Suribachi and Surikogi

The suribachi is the Japanese equivalent of the mortar; the surikogi is the equivalent of the pestle. The contents of a Japanese suribachi will likely be sesame seeds, which Japanese cooking often requires be crushed and ground to a paste. Sesame seed paste makes a delicious addition to noodle dressings, green beans, and more.

Roughly a thousand years ago, the suribachi and surikogi were introduced to Japan by the Chinese. Originally, the pestle, or surikogi, was made of black pepper wood. This prevented excessive wear on the suribachi, and gave an additional flavor to ground ingredients. Other woods are now used.

You know you're important when they name a mountain after you. Find more information about the exalted suribachi at our Spice Bowls Fun Stuff page on Mount Suribachi!